How is spent@work different from other time-tracking apps

spent@work is a free online application that helps you keep track of your time spent on projects. How are we different than clockify, toggl, and others? Let us show you the way we do it.
Project-oriented - all projects in plain sight, notes, and files
Our competitors are time-focused, which might sound reasonable, but it's not the best concept for everyone.
Freelancers usually work on multiple projects simultaneously, and they need to have all of them constantly in plain sight. They also need to keep all the information about their project, including files, work assignments, and other stuff, in one place, so they don't have to go through all of the e-mail communication looking for it.
That's why spent@work is project-oriented and enables you to work on multiple projects very efficiently. Since it has a text editor and file upload built-in, it saves you a lot of time you'd spend searching for the information you need.
Public portal - share information with your customers automatically and instantly
As mentioned in the previous point, we focus on freelancers. Customers always want to know what is going on, how much money they spend, what is already done, and what is left to do. For this reason, we created the public portal. You can enable it, set which information you want to share with your customers, and send them the link. They'll see all the information they need in real-time. You can also communicate with them using comments.
Teams - keep track of your employees/colleagues
It's pretty common to work on a project with someone else. spent@work is team-ready. You can add your team members to your projects. You can also specify how much per hour they make and how much you bill your customers for them.
Short answer - "It's free."
Long answer - "Really, it's free."
Jokes aside. 😄 Since we are beta testing our app, it is indeed entirely free for now. So don't miss your chance to try all the application functionality as long as you can have it for free.
Any ideas for improvements?
Do you have any ideas for improvements? Please let us know. We'd love to know how we can improve the app for you - and if you tell us, we will.